But I sure as heck knew Gone Girl was coming out. WOOT WOOT!
After I read, and positively adored, the book in 2012, movie rumors were already being circulated. (You can check out my review HERE.) I was cringing, because (go ahead, say it with me!) THE BOOK IS ALWAYS BETTER THAN THE MOVIE. They were saying Reese Witherspoon might be Amy (ughhhhhhhhhh) and that alone was making me nervous for the adaptation.
However, as you know by now, the movie was made and started getting some pretty decent reviews, so I knew I had to see it. My darling husband had zero interest in this flick though, so I gathered a group of my mommy friends, and this past Thursday we made a night of it. Of the 5 of us, 3 had read the book, and 2 hadn't. So we got some interesting perspectives within the group.
Here are my thoughts, and yes, HERE THERE BE SPOILERS. You have been warned!
Overall, I loved it. Rosamund Pike was an exceptional choice for Amy. She does an equally good job being the serene, well-adored Amy and the calculating, I'mma-cut-you-with-a-box-cutter Amy. Ben Affleck plays a perfect Nick as well--aloof, self-absorbed, kind of a jerkface, but still curries some favor as he tries to find his crazy-ass wife. And Neil Patrick Harris is a CREEPY Desi Collings.
Beyond the cast: the soundtrack adds much suspense, especially at the end. And I was impressed with how Amy's diary entries were handled, as flashbacks with her narration over them. Much like in the book, they are well-placed throughout the story, and mislead you just enough (especially in the beginning) that you don't see The Big Twist coming.
But, you know, the book always has to be just a TEENSY bit better than the movie. Right? So I had two little things that I liked better in the novel.
1. The Big Twist. When I was reading the book, I hit the end of Part 1 and had no idea, not one clue, what Amy was up to. Then I read the first page of Part 2, and...there is a reason I used a nuclear bomb GIF in my original review. KA-BOOM. There were expletives spoken aloud. The entire book was turned on its head, and I loved it.
In the movie, it didn't feel that way to me. Granted, I knew it was coming, having read the book. But even despite that, I was so excited for that big twist, and I felt like it wasn't as explosive on screen as it was on the page. Perhaps because we had already heard Amy's voice continuously through flashbacks previously in the movie--so when she starts talking about her staged disappearance, it doesn't feel as shocking? I'm not sure. But for me, that twist felt better in print.
2. The pregnancy at the end. One of the reasons I enjoyed this ending in the novel so much is because it was done with very little fanfare. Part 3 of the book is not very long, and so the pregnancy is introduced, with some additional detail, but there isn't a lot of dialogue and it is kind of left hanging--very ominous, something that sticks in your head for a long time afterwards. However, in the movie, the pregnancy is introduced, and then there's a lot of back-and-forth between Amy and Nick, plus the reveal to Go, and then on national television, etc. and it felt like too much. I just wanted the pregnancy revealed, maybe reactions from Nick and Amy, and that was it--no more talking. I wanted it more abrupt, to match the feel of the book. However, I will say that my friends who didn't read the book seemed a bit frustrated at the lack of detail in the movie's conclusion (what happens next after the pregnancy is announced, etc)...so this is likely my own personal issue as I pick apart one of my favorite novels.
As you can see, those two tiny caveats are...tiny. This movie was truly awesome. In my eyes, David Fincher has done Gone Girl justice. Well done, Hollywood!
Who else has seen Gone Girl (the movie)? What did you think compared to the book? Those who haven't seen the movie--are you tempted to do so, based on your reaction to the book? Why or why not?