Happy Monday, reader friends! We just had our first (of 3) Christmases this weekend, as we traveled to my in-laws for some holiday celebrating. As a result, I did not get a ton of reading done, but I DID get Amazon and B+N gift cards, so BOO-YAH! Christmas reading win.
'Twas kind of a crazy weekend though as well, because Small Fry got sick with croup, and we spent all of Friday night in the ER as a result. (Luckily, it has subsided and he's doing much better now.) We came home from the in-laws a day early, and spent yesterday recouping and watching the Giants play disgustingly.*
Christmas #2 is this weekend in Connecticut with my family, and Christmas #3 is the actual Christmas day, at home, just the three of us. Ahhhhh. I can't wait to just relax with my boys in front of the tree for a few days. It's nice seeing our families, but all those car rides get exhausting.
(Says the girl who used to jump in the car and drive from NY to Florida at the drop of a hat...oh how the mighty have fallen.)
Anywho, right now I am currently reading:
Sad Desk Salad by Jessica Grose
I am reading this as part of Mandy's Blogger Book Club at The Well-Read Wife. Mandy bought 20 copies of the book and sent them out to some fellow bloggers so we could discuss and enjoy together. How cool is that?
She also has awesome taste in blog names. Obviously.
Oh, but the book! I have only a few pages left, love it so far, and I'm looking forward to posting a full review for you later this week. Stay tuned.
And I'm listening to:
Dreamcatcher by Stephen King
I love me some Stephen King. That said, I think maybe this was the wrong one to pick for an audiobook. It's really long (20 CDs) and while the story started strong, I'm feeling kind of stuck halfway through it. While reading, I can usually push through slower/longer novels fairly well, but on audio, it involves me having to rewind way too many times because my brain wandered. Anyway, I hope it picks up and gets better soon.
What will I read next?
Probably either The Intercept by Dick Wolf (yes, of Law and Order fame! I have an ARC for review), or Matched by Ally Condie (which I know, I'm about the last person on that bandwagon).
What are YOU reading today?
*There was also a really horrible thing that happened on Friday (you've seen it in the news), and no, I didn't post about it. I'm keeping it mostly off the blog, because it hits a little too close to home for me (I grew up in CT and have several friends that knew the victims). But suffice to say those families are in my prayers. I am hugging Small Fry a little tighter these days.