Title: The Haunting of Hill House
Author: Shirley Jackson
Publisher: Viking
Publication Date: October 16, 1959
Source: borrowed from the good ol' public library
Summary from Goodreads:
First published in 1959, Shirley Jackson's The Haunting of Hill House has been hailed as a perfect work of unnerving terror. It is the story of four seekers who arrive at a notoriously unfriendly pile called Hill House: Dr. Montague, an occult scholar looking for solid evidence of a "haunting"; Theodora, his lighthearted assistant; Eleanor, a friendless, fragile young woman well acquainted with poltergeists; and Luke, the future heir of Hill House. At first, their stay seems destined to be merely a spooky encounter with inexplicable phenomena. But Hill House is gathering its powers—and soon it will choose one of them to make its own.
My Review:
My MOST favorite thing about October reading is the excuse to read spooky, creepy novels. Each year, I try to make time during this month for at least one Halloween-ish read that's been on my TBR list for a long time. This year, I'm reading rather slowly this month, so I knew I had to choose just one. The Haunting of Hill House got the distinction because it's a bit of a supernatural classic, and I've heard nothing but good reviews from my favorite reader friends. (Plus, I was under the (mistaken) impression that it was the inspiration for the 1959 Vincent Price movie, House on Haunted Hill. Not the case, but the movie is good anyway--do watch!)
Overall, this book fell into the "good not great" category for me. I'll admit up front that this could be an issue of spoilers. The edition that I read had an introduction by Stephen King at the beginning, and since I will read literally anything that that man writes, of course I jumped into it first. But wouldn't you know...it was full of spoilers. CHOCK FULL. Why in the world would you put an introduction on a novel that is full of giveaways about the ending? Ugh. As soon as I realized that I was getting too much info, I stopped reading the introduction, but the damage was done. Therefore, I went into the novel already knowing what would happen to the protagonist (Eleanor), and that made the conclusion lose its edge for me.
Despite the spoilers, I still felt a little underwhelmed by my Haunting of Hill House experience. The events were spooky, but not necessarily scary. I often had more fun figuring out the dynamics between the characters (especially Eleanor and Theodora) than I did watching Hill House's ghosts play their nocturnal games. I guess, after so many reviews telling me that this wasn't a book to read alone in the dark, I was expecting more thrills and chills.
I don't mean to pan the book so much though, honestly. It was still fun to read, and definitely great for October--grab your fleece blanket and a cup of tea, and this is perfect for a fall afternoon. Even if it's not particularly scary, it is a "literary" thriller, so it's interesting to see how the characters play off of each other, and how Eleanor in particular manages to change throughout the book.
The Haunting of Hill House was middle-of-the-road for me, but I still think it's worth a read...especially if you don't get the ending ruined for you beforehand, like I did!
Have you ever read the introduction of a book, only to find that it's got spoilers from the novel in it? This has happened to me before Hill House as well. What is up with that??
I just read this too. I'm super glad that I skipped the intro! I didn't want to because I rarely do. BUT it was LONG and I had a feeling that it contained spoilers. What a bummer that you were spoiled :/ Boo!
ReplyIt was suuuuuper long. I made it about a third of the way through before the spoilers were a-flyin'. What did you think of it??
I'd heard that this book wasn't too scary and that makes it appeal to me more. I enjoy doing some seasonal reading, but I'm kind of scaredy cat about horror!
ReplyAh, see, I think that's part of why I wasn't all that into it. October is the one time of year I like to let books scare my pants off. Haha!
I just finished this one on audio and honestly couldn't give you a synopsis—just didn't grip me, my mind wandered, I have no idea why I listened all the way through. Just stubborn determination, I guess? I also tried to read "Wuthering Heights" recently but DNF after a week of struggling through 50 pages. I think gothic classics just aren't for me. :-/
ReplyOh yes, I could see this being VERY hard to stick with on audio. There is a lot of rambling, a lot of introspection, and not a lot of good dialogue to suck you in. Wuthering Heights, however, is a favorite of mine! Perhaps it's just the gothic "horror" that I don't click with.
I read King's Salem's Lot this October and in the preface to that book he mentions and praises The Haunting of Hill House highly and says that he got a lot of inspiration from that book, thankfully there were no spoilers, but I do want to read this book now.
ReplyYes, I remember reading that preface as well! One of the many reasons that this book was high on my list. I do think I liked Salem's Lot better though. ;)