Friday, December 4, 2015

My Reading Year! #AMonthOfFaves

It's that time of year!  Time to review what I've read throughout 2015, and start to narrow down the favorites.  Last year, I had fun participating in #AMonthOfFaves, hosted by GirlXOXO, Traveling with T, and Estella's Revenge, and was hoping to do it again this year.  Throughout the month, they post different "favorites" topics to discuss in order to wrap up the year.

Unfortunately, I'm a tad behind (the stomach bug is gone, but now we're working on Day 3 of a nasty cold for my kids, so I'm running a sick ward again).  The "My Reading Year" topic was done earlier this week, but oh well, what can you do?  Here's a recap of what I've been reading in 2015!

Total # of Books Read: 47 so far.  Likely 48 or 49 by year's end!

Most Commonly Read Genres: 

  • Nonfiction: 11
  • Mystery/Thriller: 11
  • Contemporary Fiction: 9
  • Historical Fiction: 4
  • "Chick lit": 4
  • Classics: 3
  • Short Story Collections: 3
  • Young Adult: 1
  • Fantasy: 1
(Look at all the love for nonfiction this year!  Last year, contemporary fiction was far-and-away my most common genre, and YA had a big showing too, because of my attendance at the Rochester Teen Book Festival.  I give snaps to Nonfiction November and Katie's Doing Dewey Nonfiction Book Club for this change!  And reading The Girl on the Train in January probably inspired more mysteries/thrillers.)

Most Read Author: Do you know, I didn't read ANY author more than once this year??  Interesting, given that I read so many excellent authors that I've been meaning to delve into a bit further.  Something to think about for 2016.

How I Read: 37 paper books, 10 e-books.  Yup, still favoring paper these days.

When I Read: I managed the most books in March (6).  I had four months with the lowest number (3): February, May, June, and October.  My reading was pretty evenly spaced this year, it seems.

Where I Get My Books From:

  • Library loans: 19
  • Review copies: 17
  • From my own shelves: 9
  • Borrowed from a friend: 2
I do so love my library!!  I would like to tackle my own shelves a bit more next year though.  (Reminder: I say this every year.)

Favorite Book: Not so fast!  As in past years, I will make a top 10 list of my favorites from the year.  Still working on that though.  It will be coming at the end of the month.  Feel free to place your bets!  :)

What did your reading look like this year?


  1. Way to go on the nonfiction! My nonfiction needs a major boost next year. I find myself "saving" all the nonfiction I want to read for Nonfiction November...I need to remember that I can read nonfiction throughout the year!

    1. Nonfiction 2014 left me with so many good things to read, I couldn't bear to wait a whole year! :)

  2. Thanks for jumping in to share your overview! I really wish I'd read more nonfiction this year. The ones I did read are among my faves.

    1. Mine as well. I'd forgotten how much good nonfiction is out there!

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