Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy Release Date to...

...The Trajectory of Dreams by Nicole Wolverton!

I don't normally do release date promos.  HOWEVER, a ways back, I agreed to review Ms. Wolverton's book, which sounds pretty twisted and awesome:

The novel exposes the chaotic inner life of Lela White, a Houston, Texas sleep lab technician and mentally-disordered insomniac, believes she has been tasked with protecting the safety of the revitalized U.S. space shuttle program. She breaks into the homes of astronauts to watch them sleep, and she is prepared to kill to keep those with sleep problems from the shuttle launch. Her delicate grasp on reality becomes more tenuous when annoying co-worker Trina Shook insists on moving into her house and visiting Russian cosmonaut Zory Korchagin inserts himself into Lela's life. Korchagin's increasing interest puts her carefully-constructed world at risk of an explosion as surely as he does his own upcoming launch. Lela's tragic childhood unfolds throughout the novel, revealing the beginnings of her illness and long-buried secrets, and as Lela’s universe unravels, no one is safe.

Unfortunately, my month of February has been rather tumultuous, and as a result, I am behind on reviews.  So, I will have a review of The Trajectory of Dreams comin' atcha SOON!  But in the meantime, help celebrate release day and check it out HERE!


  1. I picked this up last week but I am in major reading slump mode. I look forward to trying this one, I did want to read before release date also. Nice reminder.

  2. Marce, can't wait to hear what you think. I am about a third of the way done, and it's VERY twisted.


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