Friday, June 14, 2013

Get Ready For...The Well-Read Vacay!

Hello, my dears!  You probably heard me mention a few times that The Well-Read Redhead (and family) are traveling to semi-distant lands next week for a vacation.

(And a much-needed one, I might add...selling your house should be an Olympic sport.)

Does this mean that I will be leaving you in the lurch during my absence?  OF COURSE NOT!  I dare not abandon my lovely followers in their time of need.  Nope, instead of ditching the blog for the week as I sip margaritas and nap in the sand chug water while chasing my toddler out of the riptide, I have a series of awesome-sauce guest posts coming to you in celebration of:

The 2013 Well-Read Vacay!
(sorry, no cool graphic for this.  I stink at graphics.  But here is a gratuitous photo of me on a past vacation:)

That's right, y'all.  I might not be able to take you to the beach with me, but I can help you hop a plane through the blogosphere to some other amazing bloggers who will get you to a more figurative sense.  I'm officially calling it The Well-Read Vacay (TWRV for short.  Let's Twitter-hashtag it #TWRV.  I can do that, right?).

So, starting tomorrow, get ready for a week of vacation-themed posts (one from me, the others from my super cool bloggy pals who agreed to help a sista out for the week).  It will be like taking a super amazing world-class trip...IN YO' MIND.


  1. Fun! Have a great time, and I'm looking forward to the guest posts!

  2. TWRV!! Woot woot! I can't wait to read all of the guest posts :) Have a fantastic vacation lady!

  3. That's trippy, yo, taking cool world-class vacays in my mind. ;) This is a really cool idea Kelly! :)


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