Sunday, June 23, 2013



First off, I hope you loved The Well-Read Vacay.  I pretty much go Internet-Silent when I go on vacation, but while I wasn't responding to comments/tweets/etc I did see all the lovely interactions happening on the guest blogs.  I hope you all adore Katie, Cari, Shannon, and Jennifer as much as I do, and continue to frequent their awesome bloggy blogs!

Second, where was I?  I don't usually post about the specifics of my vacation plans on the Interwebz beforehand, because I am a paranoid superfreak, but I will gladly share them with you now.  We rented a condo down in Cape May, New Jersey, and it was fantastic, though admittedly also hectic.  I actually had to leave last Saturday (with Small Fry in tow) without my husband, which was NOT the original plan. 

(**Potential buyers of our house should stop reading this post now and go do something read a book!  WOOOO!**)

Okay, are they gone?  My husband had to stay home because the downstairs of our house FLOODED 3 days before we left.  And did I mention that we are trying to sell said house, like ASAP??  We have never, ever had flooding before, but Mother Nature chose THIS moment to gang up on us.  So dear Hubs stayed behind to dry out the house and replace the carpet so that the Open House and showings we had scheduled could go on.  Luckily, he did a fantastic job and was able to join us in Cape May on Tuesday.

(If any buyers DID accidentally read that, please rest assured that we fixed everything...AND it's all written up in our property disclosure now...nothing but honesty here, people!!)

Despite that hiccup, we had an awesome time playing on the beach, going to the zoo, eating too much candy/fudge, and hanging out with my brothers (who are in the Coast Guard and stationed in Cape May).  Oh, and stalking Tina Fey.  She was vacationing there last week too!  I was on a mission to make us meet, share witty banter, and become BFFs, but sadly our stars did not align.  Next time, time.

In reading news, I actually managed to read 1.5 books, plus most of an audiobook during the drive (though I did take Cari's advice and left my Kindle in the condo during beach trips with Small Fry...very helpful!!).

So now I am off to unpack, and hopefully get these latest reviews written up for you soon.  Hope everyone had a fantastic week!


  1. Welcome home Kelly! I'm glad you're back, I was real tired of running this place while you were gone. Ha ha, I kid!

    That stinks about the flood! Terrible timing, ugh. Glad it's all fixed up and good to go. I'm sending you SELL HOUSE vibes right now!

    Adorable picture, awww :D

    1. Thanks for holding things down around here while I was gone! It all would have gone to shyte otherwise. :) And thanks for the vibes!!

  2. Welcome home! LOVED the guest posts but, you are irreplaceable!

  3. Wow, terrible timing on the flooding, but sounds like it all worked out, even if it did have to cut into vacation time. Welcome home!

    1. Yes, the timing was about as bad as it could get! But now that we're on the other side of it, we're feeling much better. Thanks!

  4. Welcome home, I'm glad you had a great time despite the flooding! At least it's sorted for now - best of luck finding a buyer =)

    1. Thanks Rinn!! :) (Love your new layout btw!)

  5. Enjoyed the guest posts and am glad you're back! I'm getting terribly jealous reading about other people's vacations right now, but too bad about the flooding! Yikes!

    1. Yes, that did make for a stressful first few days, but the last 4-5 of relaxation made it worth it. :)

  6. Welcome back! Sounds like you had a nice vacation overall... glad the flooding was conquered!

  7. I second the welcome backs!!! We all agree we missed you!! Glad that I was able to help out in my post and seriously I can't believe you left your book back at the beach house!! KUDOS MY FRIEND!!

    1. I couldn't believe it either. But once I got on the beach I realized it was a GREAT decision because I would never have had time to pull it out and relax anyway!

  8. Welcome back, though oh dear about the house! Glad your husband was able to be there for most of the holiday and that you had a good time :)

  9. Welcome back! I discovered your blog via the guest posts by Katie (wordsforworms) and Jennifer (RelentlessReader). Loved the travel post theme while you were away ... getting me all excited for summer, travel, and summer reads!!

    Sarah @WordHits

    1. Woohoo, love new followers! :) Welcome! Yes, reading those posts makes me wish I was BACK on vacation now...haha.

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