As a reminder, I took on five different challenges this year. Some were completed...and some were epic fails. Let's review!
1. Around The World in 12 Books Challenge: 58-67% completed
This book challenged me to read 1 book/month from a different country around the world. This is COMPLETELY up my alley, and I was super excited for the push to read more internationally-set literature. I did great with this challenge until we moved in August. At that point, I got so busy that I was pretty much just reading what I had on hand, most of which was not set in the countries posed in this challenge.
Thus, sadly, I only completed 7 out of the 12 countries on the list. HOWEVER, I did just pick up John Updike's Brazil, in hopes of being able to check off one more (plus I noticed on my 2013 Reading Map (see below) that South America was severely lacking--so I figured if I was going to add in one more country, it should be from there). Hopefully I can finish it before the end of the month, bringing me up to 8 out of 12!
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My 2013 reading map...shows all of the locations/settings of the novels I've read this year! Sorry to Australia and South America. lol. |
This challenge was a lot of fun, and pretty easy to complete, given the flexibility of the rules. Each month had a list of several words you could choose from, and you had to read a book that contained one of those keywords in the title. Part of what made this easier for me is that the rules said it was OK to read the books in a different month than when the word was for example, the book I used for the June keyword was actually read in May. As a result, I was able to wrap this one up in November. Woohoo!
3. Mount TBR Challenge: 12.5% completed (ugh)
Oy vey, I did poorly here. My goal was to read at least 24 books from my at-home TBR pile, and I was trying to only count paper books (not Kindle books), in an effort to clear my shelves a little bit. I only managed THREE. I blame this on two things: tons of ARCs (which are so hard for me to resist!) and the rest of these challenges (which often required me to use the library in order to find a book that fit a specific challenge). Next year I am definitely cutting back on ARCs (and challenges!), so I'm hoping to try this one again.
4. Foodies Read Challenge: 100% completed!
I have no problem reading food books 'til the cows come home. I finished this one mid-year and still read more of them before the end of the year...easy peasy!
5. Audiobook Challenge: 100% completed!
I am thankful that I finished this one just before we moved. I used my commutes to/from work to listen to audiobooks all the time, so this was easy to finish by mid-year...but nowadays, I am hardly ever in the car, so I would have found it impossible to complete after I quit my job! Definitely not one I will be able to do in 2014.
So there you have it: 3 challenges completed, 1 about halfway completed, and 1 miserable fail. Not so bad, I suppose! I'm pretty sure that my only challenge for next year will be Mount TBR, but we shall see.
How did your 2013 reading challenges go?