As you probably noticed, I really only posted book reviews this month, and not too much else. I have come to the conclusion that time management will just not be my forte for a LONG time...because even though Tater Tot is getting into more of a routine (helpful!), he is getting busy busy busy. Which is a lot of fun, but you know, busy. And Small Fry continues to happily run circles around me (even managed to dislocate an elbow this month...oh THAT was fun! Slow down, child!!).
Holding up his arm in triumph after the doc popped his elbow back into place. Trust me, there had not been smiles for MANY HOURS before this! Oy. |
So my plan for now is to mostly focus on book reviews. I AM still reading, and I love to share my reviews (that's the reason I got into this in the first place, right??). So at a minimum, I will keep up with that. When I can do more, I will. I have a long-term goal of *hopefully* participating in the fall Bloggiesta in September, and perhaps I can make that my turning point. :)
Anyway, to recap: In March I read/reviewed 5 books:
Above by Isla Morley
Sous Chef by Michael Gibney
Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
Two Sisters by Mary Hogan
Ask the Passengers by A.S. King
And, I talked about my brief bookstore side-trip to Strand in NYC (heaven!).
Last month, I focused way-heavy on did I end up with so many after saying I was taking a break from them?? Part of this is because, as you may remember, my next TBR book baggie pick was Gone With the Wind, and truth be told...I am intimidated. So many pages! So much hype! My challenge for April is to at least start it. I CAN DO EEEET!
Oh, and in other news, I am leaving for sunny Florida for a few days, as my stepbrother is getting married this weekend. WOOHOO!! Looking forward to our first plane trip with the boys. Very excited to celebrate with family...and experience weather above 50 degrees!! Probably not much reading to be done on this trip, but who knows...maybe traveling will tire out my two little buggers? Extra nap time? :)
How was your March, reader friends?
I would enjoy Above, I think.
ReplyHave fun with your kids while young and incorporate reading into that together-time.
I was born in an outer borough of NYC and lived there until my early 20's but never got the opportunity to visit a city bookstore :( I'm jealous! I would love to go to a large but indie store and browse for hours! My idea of Heaven on Earth!!
Oh yes, we do lots of reading in our together time. One of my fave activities :)
Sorry to hear about Small Fry's trip to the Dr. I feel for him. I dislocated my elbow once too, but I didn't heal so easily. I was much, much older! Like maybe 50 years older!
ReplyTake time and enjoy your boys. They grow up so fast!!.
Yes they are so resilient at this age! I couldn't believe how fast he got over it.
Awwww I love updates on the little spuds! I'm amazed at how much you have been able to blog with the craziness of dual kiddos. I think you're doing fabulous, keep on keeping on! And have the BEST time in Florida!!!
ReplyThank you my dear! I do miss my blog many days, but being home with these dudes is so much fun. The interwebs will always be here, I often remind myself :)
I totally know what you mean about having no time this month. My blog went on a complete hiatus for three weeks because I was so busy. Don't be so hard on yourself for it and just do what you can.
ReplyWhat a coincidence - I'll be off to Florida too in a couple of days and I'm looking forward to lots of reading time.
I read Gone with the Wind a few summers ago (back before I went ARC crazy I challenged myself to read one chunkster a summer) and I loved it. But I know what you mean about being intimidated - it's like 1,000 pages!
I hope you had a great time in Florida! It was great to see our family, and get away from the northeastern weather...
Once you get going on Gone With the Wind you'll be swept away and you won't believe that you were ever intimidated. That's my prediction anyway ;)
ReplyPoor kiddo :( I've never had anything dislocated but it sounds horrendous :(
Have a wonderful time in Florida! Soak up some sunshine, ahhhhh.
I still haven't started GWTW...PROCRASTINATOR...
I want to go to Florida. Or anywhere there is a warm beach.
ReplyLet me know how that extra nap thing goes. If it goes well, share some tips, alright?
The sun did tire them out quite a bit! I got one half hour of poolside reading time. I'll take it.
I am new to this arena - what is ARC?
ReplyAdvanced Reader's "unfinished" copy of a book coming out soon, meant for review purposes only.
Suggest DEFENDING JACOB ........
ReplyThanks for the rec!